2000 word essay

My subject matter is Games made into films this has been a very highly criticized subject when it comes to fans of the games when they watch the films because of personal opinions. What this is are films that have been transformed into a film for either promotional reasons or personal reasons meaning the director and producer both feel that they need to make this a film, either animated or live action so that they can see if they can use this for future films and to make fans like themselves happy.

I am researching this particular subject because its different and because this is a very talked about and mixed felt subject towards gamers and movie critics and I felt like I needed to say my piece on the matter and tell people what I think and see if they agree with me and how game films could improve and learn from each over to avoid these mistakes. The techniques I will be using is mainly secondary research like YouTube and gamespot and some primary like articles like Mookychick and Metacritic giving there opinions on the matter and having surprisingly similar view to myself.

From my research I can use facts, people’s point of views and interviews for examples in my research for example in the article MookyChicks they mention films like James Bonds Golden Eye which they say ‘Golden Eye on the N64 probably being the most victorious’ which I can also agree the films eventually out grew the games and continued when the games were stopped being made.

Games have always been about transporting the player into a world they are not familiar with or do not think they would ever be involved with for example controlling a augmented soldier from the future fighting aliens in a galactic war or robbing banks and committing everyday crimes not having to face the consequences in the real world or just solving puzzles in a way only a game can give you the player not to mention the pure adrenaline and fear when feeling truly immersed in a horror game as if you were really fearing for your life.

So the question was asked what would then be the result of these unique stories and experiences from games if they were then incorporated or simply moved onto the big screen and the result was there ‘OK films’ that either miss the best parts of the games and there for is considered a wasted opportunity or something that could be great but could be further explored or go deeper into the lore of the game and for that main reason film producers and fans alike are afraid of movie adaptations because both fear that either the director will get the movie wrong or that the fans will either be angered at someone’s adaptation and take on there favorite game the best example for this is halo so many producers have tried but eventually have backed out simply because of fear of not only loosing money but his own career as well might take a huge hit.

But some producers have made movie adaptations they are nothing perfect but because of how hard it is to simply considering making a film but it being successful can only be described as a miracle and here are some film adaptations that not only were successful but were able to kind off get the aspect and premise right, I’m basically saying its not Super Mario movie as good as that was people were not expecting something so creative and different they said it was bad because it didn’t follow the game and that’s how the concerns started for game adaptations and are now feared because now if a movie is made peoples expectations so low it makes films like Batman and Robin look like masterpieces with those nipple pieces what were they thinking.




-Halo Wiki

-Final Fantasy Wiki

-Sony pictures




movie adaptations of games [MG for short] have not only set themselves
to fail but why this has become such a common result in most MGs.

First of all i will tell you abit of the background to how this all started. It started with a film made in 1993 with one of the most iconic charecters
in gaming history Mario. As you can see the directer wanted to add his own touch onto the mario universe but as a result was something completely diffrent
from what Nintendo wanted they picked this small company to make the film thinking because of there size they would have more control over the making of the
film but because the film was made in a matter of months Nintendo didnt have many chances to check into the production of the film. and as a result fans hated
the film because it was nothing what they expected with its 90’s twist and adult like theme this also scared away alot of the kids and from there on directers
were scared to made MG’s because of the harsh critasism from fans.

But this didnt stop people from tying and failing until in 2001 a film called Tomb raider starring Lara Croft changed that, and was a massive hit making another
movie after this and a reboot is to be released next year based of the reboot made in 2013, Tomb raider gave hope to directers to gave GM’s a chance.

Here i have 2 comparisons of the film and game of both Doom and halo to show what they have incorperated into the film because of how iconic they are in the game
and showing how the game looks in the film to show how iconic the movement was in a game that introducted the
FP ganre.

Go to Development of Gaming and the Transformation into Film

Here is a list of my top 10 GM’s that were not only acurate but highly enjoyable as a film.

Halo forward onto dawn was very rare to be made because it was only permotional for the game but was beloved by fans and gave hope to the future that 343 were
taking the halo francise that was until halo 5 they next and most recent game which is know for a very dull and
rushed campain.

Doom unfortanatly fell under the scared to whatch catagory because of the mario mistake event people didnt go to watch this and as a story that explains the start
of it all.

Final Fantasy Advent children was a animated film made not from the game itself but its universe and charecters and to me is considered one of my favourite films
growing up.

Then we have Lora croft’s Tomb raider which needs no introduction or explination.

Resident evil is a trickey one starting out faithul to the game as an action horrer but film one after another they went away from the game and became known more of
a bad francise then a GM and fans of the games just wanted the films to stop which eventually happened as the final film came out early this year and was also pretty bad
acording to critics they they and i quote releved that the frincise is over and that someone else might be able to reboot this and create a resident evil the fans wanted
from the start.

Angry birds was a films no one expected but yet evryone enjoyed its was good since it was aimed at kinds and rightfully so unlike mario.

Finally i will show you a behind the scenes of the fim Halo forword onto dawn with three interviewers from Halo waypoint which is a very well known halo website.