Learning Log Final Animation

When I was thinking about what type of animation like comedy, action or horror looked at what everyone one else was doing and no one was going a horror so I thought I would do that and when I thought what kind of horror I should do the first thing that came to mind was Alien Isolation which is a survival horror but the game was based in first person and my problem was the animation has to show the entire animation and not just a camera with arms and legs so I looked for inspiration on camera movement and I remembered the batman Ahkam games had great camera work so I used some of them like for example the vent scene when he’s kicking down the vent later on I changed it to create a unique camera angle and effect.

vent camera

For the first scene i wanted to create an intro like the Film Deadpool in space so i created the station and some asteroids to hit the station to cut the power so the alien can escape and the camera will pan across the ship and the asteroids with text on them

space station.png

scene 1 text

For the second scene I wanted the main character to wake up not knowing what’s going on so i wanted to create a slow scene where the viewer can see exactly what the character see’s i made him walk to the exit but not before seeing one of his friends and morns his death.

scene 2 confusion.png

The third scene is where the character has just left the cryo room to find out whats going on find that there’s been a power cut so he heads to the electrical room but is distracted by a shooting star going past the window as he looks at the shooting star he sees earth in the distance reminding him why hes there and why he needs to get back.

scene 3 shooting star

The fourth scene was the character exploring the ship to find out how everyone died and encountering the alien for this scene i wanted a alien themed approach so i included vents on the floor so the character would crawl into the vent after lifting it up while looking out for the alien.

opening vent scene 4

The final scene is where the character climbs out of the vent and seeing an airlock to his right seeing the shadow of the alien he then gets an idea opening the first doors for the airlock hoping to attract the alien he hides behind some boxes next to the airlock after the alien goes in a box falls alerting the alien it tries to escape but the character jumps over the boxes knocking them to the ground trying to press the button to open the second doors put the alien stops the first set so it stops the seconds set of doors opening the character grabs a flashlight that has fallen out of a box and blinds the alien it panics and closes the door

scene 5 flash light